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Sadržaj :
01-Types of Guitars and Their Parts
01-Guitar Set-Up
02-Amplyfing Your Guitar
03-Stringing the Guitar
04-Tuning the Guitar
05-Holding the Guitar
06-Right Hand and Finger Position
07-Left Hand and Finger Position
08-String and Finger Numbering
09-Readin Chord Charts
10-Musical Alphabet and the Freatboard
11-Introducing the G Chord
12-Brother John
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Sadržaj :
13-Introducing Chords C and G7
14-Camptown races
14b-Skip to My Lou
15-Chord Quiz 1
16-Introducing Chords D and A7
17-Down in the Valey
18-Chord Quiz 2
19-Red River Valey
20-Silent Night
21-Chord Quiz 3
22-The Duble Strum
24-Jingle Bells
25-Chord Quiz 4
26-Chords Learned So far
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